
Teaching Practice in Da-Ya Junior High

Date: June,11st,2008
Location: Da-Ya (大雅) Public Junior High school
TAs: Iris, Wendy, Voctoria, Stella, Chris, Betty, and Joan
Class:First- grade students (110 class)

Teaching Practice is an integral part of all language teaching knowledge inputs into the outsider performance. In the assessment of this course took into consideration the student’s teaching performance, as well as our professional behaviors and attitudes. Through the textbooks and teachings by the instructor, I acquired teaching effectiveness through implementation and verification of teaching theories in practice; and practiced my teaching skills that enhanced my confidence in teaching. During these demos, I learned how to cooperate with partners; I learned how to make teaching plans to make sure what I want to teach in that class according to different-level and different-need students. Making the teaching plans is the preparation of relating following schedule and timing, these all conclude in the teaching. Although I am not good enough, I will try my best to catch it up. These criticize are all the stimulus and improvements for me to make processes.

Besides the demos in the classroom, we also did the teaching practice demo in the real school environment. Having the authentic chance, we taught first- grade students (110 class) in Da-Ya (大雅) Public Junior High school. This is really the precious experience for me to understand the school organization and experience the reality of teaching profession. The night before going to the school, I prepared the supplementary and related vocabulary for students before hand. I was in the nervous and uneasy mood because I was thinking about the lessons we taught are included into their final exam. If I taught not well or maybe in not proper ways, then I will be very sorry for them. Another reason I’m afraid is that students no reflection. I prepare some questions to ask them or make them to repeat the vocabulary after me, I am afraid that nobody would like to follow my directions. According to these thoughts, I told myself that I have to prepare more and clear to make them understand and have fun in this class. But when I taught my lesson, it seems that I worry too much. The 110 class students match up with us very well, they are in active ways to answer our questions. It seems they like our English class, maybe we are the new faces for them, maybe they like our teaching ways. I can feel that they like us and like this lesson nine learning. I realized that the real learning is by doing; the doing by learning. To learn and to do are two necessary parts to each other. Through doing, I know where I have to improve myself and make progresses; through learning, I know the theories and ways before hand into practice.

During the teaching practice period, I realize that I should strive to improve my teaching and develop professionally. I realize that I have to improve my professions and class management. In my opinion, teaching on my own ways, thinking more for students, connecting to their lives are the tasks for me to work on toward a better teacher. English teachers are anywhere, but I expect myself to become the better one.

贏在不放棄! 徐薇

演講者:補教業名師 徐薇 老師 贏在不放棄! 徐薇的英文學習及創業之道
時間:六月四日 (三) 19:00
地點:台中逢甲大學 啟垣廳

一得知Cheers Club舉行演講,地點竟然在中部,
我還千里迢迢的跑到台北看 鄒開蓮(台灣Yahoo總裁Rose)呢!

這次的演講讓我更確信了我真的喜歡 “教學”這個領域。

紀錄著當今當紅的時事單字外,還有 “學生所喜愛的一切事物”,

(所以以後有任何活動,請洽Iris唷!! 哈哈~)

謝旺霖(轉山的作者),細數家珍了起來呢!! 哈哈~!
總歸一句: 當學生,真的很幸福呢!!

Recommend Website: MindMap

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.It is an image-centered diagram that represents semantic or other connections between portions of information. The elements are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts and they are organized into groupings, branches, or areas. The uniform graphic formulation of the semantic structure of information on the method of gathering knowledge, may aid recall of existing memories. (from wikipedia)

